Sunday, November 15, 2009

The movement..

Speaking out all your pains, frustrations, sadness, sorrows, struggles, and embarrassment.
Admitting the hurt, the humilation, the anger, the lonliness, the depression, and everything that's within.
This is how healing starts.

I am no psychologist, but I do speak on behalf that this is something that I had to go through before open wounds could start closing. This is what I'm going to have to continue to go through.

My heart is deeply connected to all of you, and I hate to see anyone hurt. This is for my family of Seattle Grace. Just know that I am all ears for you guys and I would never tell anything that you did not want me to tell. You have to understand that I am here to help, so please let me help. I promise to give you 100% of my attention and to try to be as wise as God will allow me to be. I promise to be with you, side by side, ready to face any obstacle that's presented. I promise..

Seattle Grace, We are going through a season of "letting go" and "speaking out" and finally "healing" in some aspects of our lives. I am one of many leaders who are here to be here to support you guys. Please do not be afraid..

You are whole because Christ made you whole.
You are beautiful and wonderful because you were made in the image of God.
You are going to be a world changer and a revolutionist.
God will use you to be one of the greatest influences on somebodys life.

I wanna leave off with this.

Jesus wept..

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nothing to serious

I'm trying to turn my worry, anxiety, stress, frustration, disappointment, lingering thoughts, and sadness(you get the point right), in to worship.

What is worship?
Worship is loving the Lord YOUR God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

I'm a simple man so I simply say that I can not go on another day without Him.

Jesus I pray that this would help me and help whoever reads this.

I pray that You would overwhelm me with your love.
That You would truly suffocate me with a joyous despair.
That You would rid me of myelf, of my sinful ways.
God, I am a sinner that needs the grace of Your Son Jesus.
You are Holy and You are righteous, I need all that You are.
Humble me and guide me in Your will and love.
I want You, so please Lord, meet me where I am.
I trust You. My faith is in You.

In Your name we pray, Amen.